Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Bicycling in the Autumn

For those of us who use the bicycle as a means of transportation, or for recreation, or work, some days are better than others. Some days you just want to throw the damned thing in the closet, because you had a mechanical breakdown. Some days you wish you had carried a gun along to shoot the sonovabitch who cut you off at the traffic light. Some days your legs feel like lead and every turn of the pedals is an ordeal. Believe me, I've had all of the above.

Today, however, was one of the good ones. Due to a late Fall warm spell, the air was crisp but not cold. The leaves were falling from the trees but there was still much color. The dogs were barking, but were chained out of sight, and so unable to engage me in their usual combat. An occasional waft of wood smoke reminded me that there are still simple pleasures in the ways of our ancestors, that we are not absolutely beholden to the modern conveniences of heat pumps and gas furnaces.

A wonderful ride this morning, slicing through the still dark air, serenaded by the calls of owls and coyotes (yup, we have them here in my corner of North Carolina). The air was still, the roads were smooth, the autos were scarce. Life was good.



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